Multiplier effect of micro credit investment among small scale poultry agribusiness entrepreneurs in Delta state, Nigeria

Achoja FO

Department of Agricultural Economics & Extension, Delta state University, Asaba Campus, Nigeria


Financial injection, through credit program is expected to result in a proportional increase in saving and investment of beneficiaries. The multiplier measures the size of the carry-through effect of credit. It is important to investigate the multiplier effect of micro-credit so as to justify credit program in the poultry industry. This study was undertaken to examine the multiplier effect of micro credit among small scale poultry farmers in Delta State. A well structured questionnaire was used to collect primary data from randomly selected sixty (60) poultry entrepreneurs. The data gathered were analyzed using descriptive statistics, and regression model. The study revealed that a 14% change in the consumption (expenditure) of the poultry entrepreneur correlated with income without obtaining micro credit. After obtaining micro credit, the consumption (expenditure) of the poultry entrepreneur increased by 62%. Also, it was revealed that 33% change in savings correlated with access to micro credit as against 6% save. The result revealed an overall multiplier effect of 72%. It was recommended among others that government and credit institutions should facilitate the delivery of micro credit to the rural poultry farmers to catalyse the growth in the poultry subsector.

Key words: Multiplier, microcredit, small scale, agribusiness, entrepreneur

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Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Mapalana, Kamburupitiya, Sri Lanka

Copyright © 2007 by the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna

Print ISSN 1391-3646 Online ISSN 2386-1533